South Park: The Fractured But Whole – Spec ed coming!

So the standout moment for me thus far from E3, and this was very unexpected for me, was the new South Park game.

I laughed harder than I have in years at a video game.

Please to report that the guys are doing a special edition that comes with a 6″ Cartman Coon figure.

E3 2016 – South Park: The Fractured But Whole Collector’s Edition, Season Pass Revealed

Check it out!

Serious Sam just announced for VR exclusively

Long loved series Serious Sam is coming later this year to both Vive and Oculus (once Touch controls arrive)

A very brazen move by Croteam going VR exclusive with such a small market available, but SS fits perfect into the world of VR, with static placement and hordes of enemies washing over you, it just works well.

With dual wielding of guns (and even chainsaws!!!) this looks to be a great one to keep an eye on.